As I am now the most powerful boy of all time (a woman), and a phantom desire took me on this day to the La Redoute website, where I did infact see cute boys' stuff, I thought I would put together all the fun boys' clothes I liked the most (because it turned out there was a lot of things I would wear right now and every day).
Please enjoy my findings.
This is the first thing that truly caught me eye as something I have a strong desire to put on my body. I long to declare the type of life I lead, to celebrate it: the dude life. Thank you, yes.
Mr. Happy is an icon and a treasure. I respect him. And that's why I want to honour him by wearing him on a t-shirt. Mr. Happy is probably my favourite of the MR. MEN characters at this point. I think when I was a kid it was MR. FUNNY (because I was a clown), but Mr. Happy is so... happy, and cute. I love him.
I like these. Simple shorts. The most powerful clothing item imaginable. There's two of them! They're £6.50 on sale! I can only conclude that it's shorts time.
Same as above, basically. 2 shirts. They're cute. I like a good basic, and YES I do enjoy the little pockets (that I will never use).
Another incredible slogan. And it's true. It doesn't matter.
With all of these items of clothing I would be fashionable as hell. Don't think about it too much. I don't want to intimidate you with my power. But anyway, Mr. Happy is a king.