December Memories: Horse & Fashions (Not Horse Fashions, I'm Sorry)

I met a horse, recently, during December, and you know what? Horses are very cool and I don't often get to meet them. I want to meet more horses. Can someone bring some horses to my house? It's no problem, okay, just bring the horses. Thanks.

They love to eat grass, and I respect this because I used to eat (or rather, chew, for some reason) grass as a child. It's not delicious, but small me was compelled. I'm not saying I'm part horse, but, listen... you never know.

Here's me with Millie (dog). I may have become a ghost in this picture. Don't worry about it. Dogs don't mind and neither should you. Mind you own business quite frankly. If you were a ghost I wouldn't judge you, so you know. Just keep that in mind.

Here are some of my family members disappearing into the trees, as they love to do.

This picture of my aunt holding large polar bear is extremely good. Lifehack: do this.

And here is a picture of Christmas dinner. I like the crackers................................ nutcracker crackers.... good. Also I wore the little thing around the Lindt teddy bear's neck as a bracelet for the rest of Christmas day because I am truly stylish. Welcome to my fashion blog.

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