
 Skeletons. Here they come.

In recent months I've been enjoying the humble, pointy, knobbly form of the human skeleton. A gracious creature, no doubt. There is something delightful about it. It's like a creature all its own.

It's sort of goofy-looking, this structure of ours. I'm not sure if my favourite part is the BIG back of the skull, or the hollow, protective ribcage, or maybe the lovely pelvis.

The very first skeleton in this post is quite distinguished, and I covered him generously in gold leaf. He's shiny and stunning. But I like all the variations in style here. I liked making more and less realistic skeletons. Quick and slow skeletons. Pensive and stupid skeletons.

Because you have to imagine, don't you, that something is going on inside the mind of a skeleton. That thing is alive, despite its abject deadness. The essence of life is not so much in the living as it is in the anthropomorphic capabilities of a shape. And the skeleton is perhaps the most anthropomorphically capable shape. Because it's just a lil' fella.

Teeth out, eyes hollow. Ready to take on the world.

So, what I'm saying is, more skeletons may follow. They should.

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