Small & Perfect Things

I am writing this blog post while listening to Devo (the 1982 'Oh, No! It's Devo!' album) so obviously I am in the greatest state of mind possible and I have ascended into that magical state of being that can only truly be induced by Devo. I thought I'd make a nice post about some of the things I've been enjoying recently, because it's nice to take a moment to appreciate things, and lately I've been thinking about that a bit. I guess it's a 'favourites' post.

With the end of the year looming it's a natural time of ~reflection~ and I feel a strange kind of peaceful happiness within me. I think this year has been really good, and as always I want to keep improving in various facets of my life (making sure my room looks tidy, doing projects & experimenting, learning new things, and trying to make my hair look like less of a disaster), BUT it's also been really good in terms of being happy with things and accepting my flaws, limitations, and experiences for what they are. Like in scaling back my blogging here, for example. It's allowed me to take a more casual and maybe more genuine, exciting, and variable approach to this blog. In some ways I feel I can express myself more fully this way. It's nice.

Let's talk about beer for a moment. I was never really much of a beer person until relatively recently, but I have found myself enjoying different ales more and more. This beer with a cool owl on the bottle is 'Hitachino Nest' and I really like its flavour. It's a delicious white ale that tastes gentle but flavoursome. I'm not great at describing beer but IT'S GOOD. Found in Marks & Spencer in a very interesting beer aisle.

One thing I always enjoy is paint water. The way it changes colour as you paint your thing like a big and wet mood ring. I love it. Here's a nice shade of green from a recent painting session. I always like to enjoy the process of painting or making any kind of art as much as possible, and paint water is definitely a part of that. I like to watch the colour swirling away when I pour it out (this is enhanced by some of my paints which have a little bit of glitter in them). It's a nice visceral pleasure.

I've also been enjoying these miniature perfume bottles. I check Magic Freebies (UK) for free perfume samples every so often to get these. So far I have collected these two (Gabrielle by Chanel, Modern Muse by Estée Lauder), and Concrete by Comme des Garçons (a unisex scent). I really enjoy trying out different perfumes and it's nice to have these tiny little sample spray bottles. They're very cute and they make nice clinking sounds (yes, clinking sounds are the kind of things that truly make me contented in life).

So those are some nice things I've been enjoying lately. Of course there are lots of other small things to enjoy, so I hope that you notice those things and take some time to enjoy and appreciate them too. If you'll excuse me, I have to go and spray three perfumes on myself all at once now.

Note: if you do use Magic Freebies, please be careful as a lot of the offers aren't strictly just free items. I personally like to stick to the perfume samples as they generally have no catch or sign ups needed - you just enter your address and receive a sample in most cases.

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