Diary: Operation Use More Art Supplies

Well, I've been busy lately. I went to Scotland for a week to visit my family and as many highland cows as possible, and apparently the sun came on holiday with me. Except the two times when the rain went into full terror mode and crashed down from the sky like a big wet sheet of anger directed at the ground (and, specifically, my trousers).

Anyway so here are some lonely diary entries from just before that.

I have a plan at the moment to do some pages or paintings or collages or whatever just about daily again. I've been doing things as and when I feel like it since stopping my daily blog posts, and that's been perfect for me since I naturally end up making things a lot with such a loose structure (or no structure), but right now I miss being purposefully experimental and making myself use all my stuff. So it's time for OPERATION USE MORE ART SUPPLIES! A completely unimaginative title for what will effectively be me lying in a pile of pens with a thousand sticky notes attached to my body. A whirlwind of Doing Some Things. Or at least I hope so.

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