Outfit: Yoghurt Fashion & Winter Shorts

I've been watching too many KPOP videos (ha ha ha ha ha ha there are never too many) and as a result I am desperate to wear shorts throughout the winter (and possibly cutesy sailor outfits/things with a lot of spikes on them for no reason). I've had these denim shorts for years and they are the perfect tight fit. They look pretty good with tights, and I love wearing colourful tights, so I put on this dark purple pair to match my coat a bit, which is a colour I can best describe as the colour of forest fruits yoghurt.

I'm also wearing some sturdy walking boots, which are so good for walking through the rain or mud. Excellent adventuring boots.

I don't know where any of these clothes are from, because they were all gifted, aside from the shorts. They're from Internacionale, which doesn't even exist as a retailer any more. Second hand and gifted clothes are pretty much the best ever. Please let me come to your house and wear all your clothes.


  1. never ever too many kpop videos. they just keep on coming (also they keep on getting better and better?!?!) also, this outfit is super cute and i love it ahhh <3 <3


  2. Very interesting and informative pot with lot of lovely pics.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Happy weekend
    ~ Philip

    1. Thanks Philip, I aim for high pot quality ;-)


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