Little Moth & Scully Hair

I painted myself a tiny moth, and here she is in all her glory. I do want to draw and paint some more moths, but then I feel that way about a lot of things. Hands, birds, trees. There are too many beautiful things to paint, and I can never decide or stick with one subject for too long. Except actually, that's a lie, because I paint lots of rounded shapes that are nothing in particular all the time, and I paint my little people with three lumpy fingers and dots for eyes all the time too.

Anyway, these scans are the first since I cut my hair after much deliberation. It's at my collarbones - no fringe. I don't think I've ever really had short hair like this without a fringe, but I like it. It's almost a Dana Scully haircut, and it feels so right (please send any X-Files in my direction).

Short or not, something feels right about having hair all one length. Everything is simple. No tangles and no getting caught by bag straps, other people, or my own body parts. When I was little I always liked cutting paper into tiny pieces because I liked the way it felt - both the sensation of cutting into the paper and the satisfaction of rendering it into something new again and again with each cut. I see a similarity with haircuts in that their changeability lets you become new and fresh and sharp in sequence. It's a really good feeling.

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