
Here are some more things. I currently have eleven tubes of paint, and I'm wondering how fast it would be possible to use them up. Paint really lasts a long time, and I have three tubes of black paint, so maybe I should do a bunch of black paintings - maybe I should try just using one colour for a while in general. Just work through my tubes one by one. Who knows?

Paint does seem to last forever. I'm thinking about getting some new paper though. Maybe some colourful paper. Some pink paper. I usually paint on printer paper, and that's fine, but it'd be nice to get some nice, thicker paper, or some fun coloured stuff. I just want to scoop up some beautiful paper into my arms. A thousand paper cuts.

Maybe I should make some zines on pink printer paper, actually, that'd be cute (I'm thinking about making a new zine, but then it's always somewhere in the back of my mind - perhaps a poetry zine, where all the poems are about large vegetables).

Anyway, I finished an old, tragic notebook recently. I'd had it for so long just waiting to have its final pages used. I'm sorry, notebook, for neglecting you. Please be at peace now. Its pages didn't scan that well, but I guess with notebooks sometimes you just gotta accept the weird marks from the other side of the page, and the crumply pages, and whatever. It's just part of the experience. The notebook is at once your enemy and your beloved friend.

That's just one of the many reasons why you must, by law, start using five different notebooks at once and never finish any of them. Finishing a notebook? Very illegal. Very suspicious.

That's why I am very smart and I paint on miscellaneous scraps of paper passed to me by an evil goblin each night. You know how it is.

1 comment:

  1. The designs are amazingly cute! Thank you for such a lovely inspiration, I appreciate your sharing of these designs here!


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.