I didn't think too hard about these scans, just kinda did them and smooshed my face a little bit, because sometimes scanning your face is relaxing and simple. What is nice, though, is looking at some of the little details and isolating them, like in the above image. Doing this means I get to look at my favourite things about my face (and my hands, which tend to also be involved) and appreciate so many tiny components of who I am as a physical being (cool). My favourites parts of these scans in particular are as follows: the formation of my fingertips, the darkness in the hollows of my eyes, and the stray sections of hair curling into and around my face. One very important part of why I scan my face all the time is that it reminds me I'm a dense and real creature made up of multitudes and amazing moving and changing parts. In ten years I will still be thinking "wow my ear looks cool, let's put a picture of it on the front of every magazine!"


  1. Wow, these are so cool! They should be in a gallery somewhere, I feel. :o)

    I tried writing a limerick but...it didn't work out too well. Haha.


  2. Thank you so much! Limericks don't always work out, but I appreciate the effort in any case.

  3. Thank you so much for the follow.
    Follow you back on bloglovin.
    Btw,I'm also on Instagram,maybe you like my account?
    Lovely greets from germany ;-)

  4. These are hauntingly beautiful. I agree with Chic Alluring, these belongs in a gallery.

    Shireen xx

  5. These are amazing, you look so youthful XO

  6. Holy crap, this is lovely, and incredibly original. It's almost ethereal.


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.