Diary: Firefly

It's been a pretty strange and baffling and emotional week for a lot of us here on the planet, but I'm gonna focus on the silly, fun stuff as usual. I'll just take a moment to say, since I did write about it in my diary, I'm definitely concerned about what's going to happen following the EU referendum. I keep feeling like I'm living in a dream world after everything that's happened this year.

I want to focus on passing on some kind of good feelings regardless. I do a lot of insular, arty stuff, and I say a lot of words and make jokes and all I hope for is to be some kind of positive force. Like a little firefly hovering over everyone, sprinkling a little bit of happy, hopefully.

I've been doodling lots, of course, and playing some cute video games, and reading some classic sci-fi. I've been thinking intermittently about my daily routine and ways to tweak it so that I can be the most efficient and well-fuelled and happy little bug. I've been selling some turnips in Animal Crossing, and I had some pizza. It's looking alright.


  1. A much needed slice of happiness after the uncertainty and discourse of the past week. Lovely read x

    ALittleKiran | Bloglovin

  2. I love your doodles. Although I live in the US, I understand how uncertain and scary life can be. Just remember we are all here supporting each other. Thank you for following me on Bloglovin, because I found your blog that way! Im new to the blogging world, but yours in exquisite. :)



Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.