Animal Crossing Journal #31: Feathers & Cake

I came back to Boy on Festivale day, despite being completely unaware of all the events and celebrations of the calendar, so that was a nice surprise. I'm not sure how we get confetti to fall from the sky like that, but it's very cute. I'm a negligent mayor, really.

I visited Rudy and his house is the cutest house I've ever seen. The wooden flooring, the ranch furniture, the tricycle. I'm adopting him whether he likes it or not. What a cutie.

Here's me stopping to enjoy the confetti. Very nice.

I found Bluebear wandering around with feathers on her head by the lemon trees. It's normal for her.

And here's Pavé, demanding feathers as he does every year. To be honest, I'm too tired to go catching feathers around town and I think I'd prefer to bury my head in a large cake and listen to Radio 4.

That's exactly why I've bought a wedding cake. I'm going to eat the whole thing.

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