Citrus Cils

Here are some happy recent photos. First of all, I don't usually do a proper big laughing smile in pictures because it's never captured properly. It's hard to get a natural photo of someone really having a laugh without it looking like you've caught them mid-sneeze, but somehow I took this picture and it has the whole dimply cheek and crinkly eye thing and it's nice. Very happy.

A portrait of the artist taking a break after cutting out a drawing of a person in red felt tip and feeling a bit tired. The sun is on my face in a nice way.

I love this cutie.

Here's a picture of a part of a computer which I thought looked cool and like it was from 1991.

This is the orange I received in my Christmas stocking. I have given it a beautiful face. I was going to give this post the title "Citrus Lashes" but then I realised I could do some pretty nice alliteration if I used "Cils" instead - the French word for eyelashes.

Sometimes painting or drawing on the back of an envelope is the best. This was one of those times. Notice how my orange is glaring at me. I love this drawing. I love that it has thick pen lines and is on the back of an envelope. The sun looks uncertain, and I like that.


  1. The way the light is shining in on you in that portrait is really nice!

  2. The first photo of you looks cute. And that pic of a part of a computer really is cool ! :D


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.