Outfit: Knit Tights & Pearls

A neck to knee body shot of me wearing a fitted long-sleeved, light grey top, a series of pearl necklaces, and a tiered, loose-ish dark grey skirt.

top & tights - gifted
 skirt, shoes, & jumper - H&M
bee necklace - Miss Selfridge
pearl necklace - Rokit

I wanted to wear a comfy but kinda smart outfit with some pearls, so I picked out my favourite basic top and this slouchy but sweet skirt. Knit tights too because they are so comfortable and the texture is quite nice paired with simple things.

I tried to do a sort of half up style here, although it's not half up, it's more of a fringe up type thing. My fringe is still at an awkward length and now likes to push hair into my mouth when I open it, which is not great. So I have to tie up that devious little scamp to keep myself from consuming my own hair. Tough times. Anyway, it looked kinda cute from the back. Just a simple plait and tie together of two little side sections.

I love to go for simple and comfy looks, but sometimes I want to look classic and smart too, so this was a nice compromise.

I added in this burgundy jumper for a little extra warmth. The jumper kinda takes it into a cutesy librarian/1940s girl style.


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.