Florrie @ Elle Style Awards Pre-Party

Last Thursday I got to go to the Elle Style Awards pre-party at H&M Oxford Circus. I was super excited about this because Florrie was performing and I've been a big Florrie fan ever since I discovered her free to download stuff on last.fm ages ago. There were all sorts of fun things going on at the party. They had free manicures, a photo booth, screen printing and illustrations, as well as heaps of prosecco and a range of tasty canapés. I had plenty of fun sifting through the socks, because you know, I'm passionate about socks.

Florrie's voice is great and almost record perfect. The show ran so smoothly and all the blue light was really pretty. My only complaint would be my usual gig complaint - I'm shorter than everyone in front of me. People, please stop being taller than me - or, if you are taller than me, at least do me the courtesy of letting my ride on your back wearing a crown. Cheers.


  1. This sounds like a great event to attend! I'd love to have gone too. Everyone is always taller than me at concerts too! So annoying :| x x


    1. Don't worry, one day we short folks shall rise up (no pun intended) to take over the world.


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.