Japan Candy Box Review & Giveaway ☆ March Box 2016 ☆

✶✵ This post contains items gifted to me for review purposes. ✵✶

After the review I did last year of the June Japan Candy Box, I've teamed up with the subscription box service again to review the March 2016 edition. Scroll to the bottom of this post if you'd like to win some sweets of your own!

First of all I'd like to note that Japan Candy Box have upped the cuteness of the box itself with some adorable details printed all over it. I was certainly very excited to rummage around and sample the contents after seeing this. So let's get to 'em!

First up, we have a very interesting box of sweets, the Kabaya Karipori Candy Sticks. These are super fizzy cola and grape flavoured sticks. I prefer to have both flavours at once because they mix pretty nicely. The quality of the coke flavouring particularly is great.

Second is this ultra cute box of Fujiya Milky Peko x Sanrio Chocolates. These are the cutest things I've ever seen (my favourite character here is probably Pompompurin, the dog wearing a beret - #stylish), and they are also absolutely delicious, with a lovely strawberry flavouring.

This was one of my favourite items and the packaging is so incredibly pretty. More of these, please!

What would a Japan Candy Box be without one of these tasty mould kits? This is a Kracie Sea Animals DIY Gummy Kit. I will spare you pictures of my horrifying attempts with this, but this kit is lots of fun.

Next up we have these Bourbon Petit Grilled Pizza Rice Crackers. These are very tasty, and the pizza flavour is just right. I wish I had more of these, because I'm craving them right now.

They're so delicious!

These Calbee Sopporo Potato Vegetables Snacks are quite plain and simple, but nice. They contain tiny vegetable pieces and are very light. I love the potato mascot on the packet. He seems like a nice man - er, potato.

I was very excited to discover this packet of Meiji Mushroom Mountain Chocolate Cookies, because I really like mushrooms and I long for more things to be mushroom themed (why yes, I do know of and fully endorse Nameko). These are nice little breadstick/chocolate combos.

Next we have some small packets of sweets - Meiji Mini Grape Gummies and Hi-Chew Chewy Candy - Cola. The grape gummies are tiny and they pack a satisfying grape flavour, whilst the cola candy is nice and chewy.

Here is yet another cola flavoured sweet! This one is Coris Cola & Soda Soft Candy. The cola flavours seem to be consistently well done, and I love the cute little glass with eyes on the wrapper.

These last sweets are Kasugai 100% Fruit Juice Gummies, and I loved these so much. Japanese gummy sweets are so high quality and delicious in general, but these had such a perfect apple flavour. They are hands down the best gummies I've ever tasted. I want more!

Now that you've read about the assortment of sweets in the March edition of Japan Candy Box, let's get down to the giveaway! Enter with your email address via the widget below to be in with a chance of winning a box of your own. Entry is open worldwide. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Please allow Competition entry via e-mail etc. Great prize, which I'd Love to win.

    Rachel Craig

    1. Hi Rachel, I'm not sure exactly what you mean here, but all you need to do is put your email address into the Rafflecopter widget and click on/fulfil the options in order to enter. I don't have control over the method Japan Candy Box chooses to carry out competitions. Good luck!

  2. What a lovely patch.
    George Williamson


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