Adventure Scrapbook & CV Of Good

Recently I've been thinking lots about different kinds of journals and photo albums and scrapbooks and commonplace books and diaries and stuff like that and I love that there are so many ways you can preserve your memories, thoughts, ideas, etc. I'm so into the idea of focusing on the coolest things in your life and celebrating your life while you live it as much as you can, so I've been thinking about new ways I can do this lately and I came up with the idea of making a CV of all the things I'm most excited about as they happen. So, for example, so far in 2016 I can write on my "CV of good stuff":
  1. Visiting Iceland
  2. Illustration for Doll Hospital
  3. Finishing Cowboy Bebop
  4. Interning at Penguin
  5. Releasing Knife EP
  6. Watching Dodie play
Keeping a list like this reminds me of all the great things I've already done this year and it reminds me of the opportunities and fun possibilities that are floating all around me like fireflies all the time.

So that's one thing that I think is great (and it's not about comparing yourself to others, but appreciating the things you've enjoyed, even if they're meaningless to other people). Another thing I really like is scrapbooking some pictures and painting all over them. I almost feel like I should be gluing macaroni to these pages, because that's the feel, and I like that a lot. Probably just gonna eat all my macaroni and use paint and stickers instead though.

This is a nice way to keep a visual reminder of the adventures you have or the things you care about, and I feel like embellishing pictures somehow enhances those memories and feelings. It's like a ritual. It's like making a shrine. And I guess that's what it is - it's a shine to yourself and your life. It's a way to decorate and appreciate your own happiness and adventure. It's really important to me to be able to catalogue and remember and look at my little adventures and accomplishments and the things that make me feel happy and human, and doing that in these visual ways is so useful and fun!


  1. Just don't get too obsessed over cataloguing the things you've done. Sometimes I have to step back and remind myself to be less focused on ticking things off a list and more concerned with just doing the things

  2. Just don't get too obsessed over cataloguing the things you've done. Sometimes I have to step back and remind myself to be less focused on ticking things off a list and more concerned with just doing the things


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.