Diary: New Year, New Diary & New Pens

I started my new diary for 2016, of course, and it is a perfect and beautiful thing. The page quality is definitely better than my 2015 diary, which is nice. Hopefully I can avoid the dreaded felt tip pen bleed that I had to deal with all the way through the past year. Not that it was really a problem, it just meant I had to be a bit more careful with pens and use collage a bit more. That made me a bit more creative in a way, but it's undeniably nice not to have to think about it at all, and to be able to colour stuff in more recklessly (call the police on me, I'm so bad and dangerous!).

I'm not feeling too reflective, probably because I'm already excessively reflective (I'm basically a mirror), but I have kinda been wondering what's going to happen this year. Let's ignore that bizarre urge to know the future though, because I don't have a crystal ball and if I did I would probably smash it or draw a face on it and give it a name. Peter. Peter the crystal ball. And his face would look at me disappointedly if I ever thought about using him to divine future events.

The most important thing that I can extract from the year-time is that I am OK. I'm alright, me. I am adequate. I still have legs. I have recently increased the number of pens in my possession. Watch as I gradually deplete them one by one. That's my main goal!


  1. Lil happy new year! you and your blog is one of those gems on the internet we rarely find! I wish you the best for this year. your writing ad everything is just so good!

    Love from Colombia<3<3
    Moth And Poppy


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.