Journal: Blue Lungs & Pink Gradients

It has been a time of restless and hurried journalling for me lately, which has been great and cathartic and pure. It always feels so good to pour blobs of paint and to paste down paper and let the glue dry it into a slightly pinches texture. I have this blue glitter paint that dries partially translucent and looks all beautiful and watery. I think it looks like lungs on these first pages.

I love being back in that zone of carelessness with journalling, like during my 360 journal in 2014. I love racing through and sticking and folding and scribbling. It feels like I'm exorcising something. Getting something out of my body.

I tore apart the info leaflet from 'yellowbluepink' and stuck it down across some journal pages just because I wanted to use it and I loved the colours - a hidden gradient on the unexposed inbetweens of the proper folded pages with all the intellectualised text on them. I thought they would make cool backgrounds to draw on, but then I left them mostly blank.

They have such a cute, delicate fruit salad colour palette and I loved the texture of them when the glue dried, so I just left some to be pristine. Sort of.

I want to fill this whole journal up so fast, like I'm in a race. I guess I'm just in that mood lately. Gotta do it!


  1. this is so good
    i journal to exorcise is well, and I've learned to be less precious about it
    love the blue glitter paint! can i ask where you got it?


    This Kid Is Alright

    1. Thank you! Yep, the blue glitter paint is from Tesco. It's kid's stuff called "Go Create" paint.

  2. i love how you describe journalling as 'exorcising'! journalling is so weird in that no two journals are the same; i recently did a post about journalling on my own blog, and ours are so different! keep it up!

    - x

    1. Yes! That's part of what makes them so exciting! You keep it up too :-)


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.