Journal Progress

Here's some progress I've been making with my journal. I keep scraps of old things that I've made or journalled. So some of these things are old (sometimes I go through old journals and rip out the best bits and these often get reused or put somewhere new). Old drawings, old photos, old cutouts I still like a lot, and even old Oyster cards (the day my zip card expired was the worst - I miss those free buses).

This collage includes one of my favourite pages ever from Company magazine. A teapot is a perfect style icon.

These are also some old pages, with old drawings and collages. It reminds me how much I like cutting up fashion magazines. They are very fun to collage with. I went through a little phase of drawing myself wearing space costumes. And I always used to draw myself with a huge grin, too. It looks a bit menacing, actually.

This is probably my favourite set of pages, featuring old Oyster cards, test drawings (I was trying to figure out how sleepyberry draws things), and Blixa Bargeld. It's a good mix of things.

Most of all I just like to rearrange and reuse old things every so often because I suppose it's a bit like moving your stuff to a new home. It's a good opportunity to cut things out that you don't need or like so much and reorganise your old stuff. I find that really fun to do with journals too, and it feels useful, like re-sorting my memories, The cow picture is actually the card my grandad sent me for my 18th birthday. It has some limericks inside and I've kept it since then (I love cows!).

Sticking things in also kick starts pages really well, so it's a good way to get started. It throws me into journalling pretty effectively. That's one of the many reasons I keep a little treasure trove of scraps and drawings and various paper things. It also endears me to the journal itself quicker to have old things in there. It makes the journal an important continuation.


  1. I am quite in love with this. It makes me want to keep a journal as a creative outlet. The drawings of you are so cute x

    1. Thank you, and please do! I would love to see your journal if you decide to start one :-) xx

  2. This is such a lovely idea. I always keep random things from trips or holiday and never do anything with them, such a good idea.

    1. I try not to keep many things I don't have a purpose for, so this is a way of giving a purpose to some of the things that don't have a purpose, I guess!

  3. This is amazing! It's like having a mood board. I love this 💕

  4. Cute! too bad i never finish my journals lol but thanks again for the follow! new to bloglovin and just made my first post, hopefully i get used to it. Looking forward to reading more of your posts :)

    1. I have that problem sometimes so I force myself to finish them or use the remaining pages for notes and things.

  5. i really should start a journal like this, they've got something very aesthetic-y about them - and i love making collages out of fashion magazines too, i find it quite theraputic actually x
    natasha // eyebrows, inc.


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.