What Is Blogging?

So blogging is this thing now. It's an industry full of cash and advertising and graphic design and stuff. I started my blog because I wanted to talk about how I liked looking at children's magazines about ponies and cute cats, and how I like trying on stripy shirts and not buying them. My early posts were conversational and diary like and I guess now they have somewhat morphed into philosophical wells of words and cute shop wishlists. Which is fine, and I like that, and it's still me and there are still diary-like and personal entries, and of course things naturally evolve and you're not likely to blog the exact same way forever, but I was just thinking about how my engagement with blogging as a... field I guess, has influenced me. Everywhere now I see very editorial style blogging. Huge, popular blogs tend to have that magazine look and editorial tone to their posts.

I've enjoyed doing advice type posts and wishlists and outfits and all of that stuff, but some of my favourite blogs and blog posts are very personal rather than editorial in style. I don't want to lose that voice and personality in my own blog. I find myself worrying that what I post is too lo-fi or all about me sometimes, but that's what I love about other people's blogs.

Some of my favourite blogs read like diaries or just have such a sense of being what the blogger was thinking about as they wrote. Rose and Vintage has quite a consistent "here was my day out/adventure/month in disposable cameras" feel. Where Is Frank? has a great intensity to it because of the way Georgiana checks in periodically to dump a bunch of journal scans and talk about her recent life, MILK TEETH is nice to read because it feels organic to read all of Bethany's inspirations and thought fixations and topics. Here are some other blogs that I feel fit this kind of natural style in slightly varying ways: Perma PupaPerpetual Perplexities, Comfortable Cyberspace, Ditzy and Whimzy.

I want to feel engaged with this blog and like I am really right in the centre of it holding a big scrapbook or something. I like having segments and recurring ideas and neat blog posts on things I like from a shop, etc, but I also love jumbles of things and journals and memories and trinkets and thoughts that connect things together and everything that makes me me. Blogging to me is about keeping and sharing memories and connections between myself at different times as well as between myself and other people who resonate in some way with the things I think about and care about. This blog is like... me. It's like one of my limbs or my heart. I want to remember that and treat it like that, treat it like it is this big chunk of like, everything that I am.


  1. I agree with this. I think it's important to have that same personal voice that makes your blog unique. I can appreciate many bloggers trying to make money, but with all of the SEO and sponsorship, they need to remember to keep themselves still intact! Some bloggers do it better than others. I'll have to check those out!

    Peace and love,

    1. It's funny, I only ever want to be myself here, but after becoming exposed to things it's like they are always there somewhere, in your head, or around your head, or generally somewhere in the vicinity of your head maybe making a tiny fart noise. I guess if you want to have an air of professionalism and stay true to yourself it's all about striking the balance but also not thinking too hard. I think some of my best posts come out when I just kinda stream-of-consciousness them onto a page.

  2. The personal blog seems to be dying and that is so sad, because like you they are my favourites to read. There is something magical about reading someone else's thoughts and feelings. Never stop being you, because your blog is awesome :)

    Erin | comadiary

  3. Oh man I could talk about this forever?? I was reading an article...somewhere...idk..when its online and like when its one of many tabs on chrome the publication itself has less gravitas? But it was how commercially driven bloggers don't actually blog any more, they use insta as it is more lucrative or whatever and i thought that was so interesting, like cut out the middle man or whatever, so like maybe it isn't a case of like are the old school 2007 style diary blogs dying but is the medium of the blog shifting and becoming more micro or whatever. i don't really read editorial blogs as they aren't really my kinda thing but i dig there simulated intimicacy like when they have fake handwritten signatures at the bottom with kisses or whatever like i dig it! we started blogging at the same kinda time but idk i think like my own blob blog hasn't really evolved lol as im still a mess haha, but it sort of HAS in the sense that my blog basically became doll hospital if that makes sense?!

    1. Monetisation of Instagram is SO interesting to me, especially as someone who has only recently finally gotten an Instagram (curse the guy who took my username tbh). Also YouTube. I feel like a LOT of those sorts of money makin' bloggers are pushing YouTube accounts because there's more money there and it's seen as maybe like so close to the mainstream now for people like Zoella and Dan & Phil and whoever, people with BBC jobs and make up lines that they got through YouTube.

      YES to simulated intimacy, that kinda reminds me of all the popular magazines when I was a teen girl like Mizz and stuff, because they tried to have this pally voice and all those flow chart quizzes and stuff. CRINGE STORIES! I also feel like my blog has evolved but at the same time like it hasn't at all. I think my first post would fit well if I posted it today.

    2. OK i always forget to tick the notify box so am just seeing all of these replies!!

      pally is a good word, like its so interesting now coz the youtube ads are now sometimes done by youtubers which is just like VLOGGERCEPTION TBH!!

      Also I saw zoella merch in superdrug the other day which was pretty WOAH, its interesting in terms of subcultures and capitalism and how our like ***generation** or whatever is actually doing the selling themselves?!

    3. Seeing Zoella stuff in the high street is odd because even though I came across her when she was already close to the million subscribers mark I still feel as if she's my little friend online in a way, lmao. Fascinating to see what YouTuber's faces are getting attached to atm and how their level of involvement in the actual product varies.


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.