Diary: Apples & Zines

This week I have had a fun time eating delicious apples and sitting in the dark. I have been missing the daylight a bit. I've been preparing for Wimbledon Zine Fair this Saturday by making a bunch of zines and trying not to stain my hands with ink. It's been going well. There's something very therapeutic about folding and pressing sheets of paper. I actually suspect I would really like a job licking envelopes, because I love that sort of repetitive paper-based action. I'm such an exciting and vivacious person.

Back to the apples for a moment, though. I bought a pack of six Rubens apples from Tesco for 69p and they are so juicy and delicious that I'm pretty sure a version of heaven has somehow been put inside them. I cannot place enough emphasis on how good these apples are. I am having a beautiful time in the land of apples like the big, wiggly, apple-loving worm I truly am.

Other than that I have mostly been enjoying Wentworth, Undertale, and fantasising about being able to draw in my sleep.


  1. I would probably literally kill to play some interactive fiction by you (no... probably not literally. idk). Is it available anywhere?

    1. Oh man that's so nice of you! No, I never finished a project and I lost the only WIP file I had, sadly. There were characters named after search engines and the inventory contained a picture of Toyah Willcox. My boyfriend and I were also trying to write one about a dog who became prime minister, but we didn't get very far. I've really gotta try it again.


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.