Diary: Anime & Burgers

I've been watching so many TV shows and movies lately that I feel like I'm about to burst! I'm full of things I've watched with my eyeballs! I'm very into it. I've decided, after watching a few odd 1980s anime films, that I would like to try out lots more classic/core/revered anime shows and work on my base of anime knowledge. I've been watching Cowboy Bebop lately and really enjoying it, and I've wanted to watch Madoka Magica for a long time. I'm also watching Digimon Adventure Tri, which is such an interesting revisiting of the Digimon universe for those of us who grew up watching the original series. I love Digimon.

I also went out to eat at Grillstock over the weekend and it was so good. I had an immensely delicious and good burger. I went to the park to feed lots of hungry birds, too, and there were some very cute ducks there. It's nice hanging out with ducks. We share a lot of interests (food).

A big focus for me this week was on a particular little journal that I've decided to fill with things I'm sentimental about and things that make me happy or remind me of the best stuff to focus on. I thought it would be nice to create a sort of home in a journal, a carefully curated selection of things (images, words, memories, small objects) specifically designed to cheer me up and make me feel grounded and happy, and to encourage me. It's a nice way to store a bunch of happy memories and to portray my life in the most positive light. So that's a thing I'm working on, alongside watching all my shows about space and aliens and zombies.

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