A message for my art brain and heart! I started painting just lines and shapes and blobs because I wanted to paint and I wanted to move colour around. I've missed painting so much, as if I haven't done it for years. It feels really good to paint again. Really fresh. I think the circle I painted, labelled "put thoughts in here", is very representative of my creative state at the moment. I just really want to do stuff and be reckless and build piles of shapeless forms and nonsense words.

I wrote a letter to life, just because I wanted to paint words but I didn't have any in my mind. I feel like in some way I have come back to myself, suddenly. I feel like maybe every so often I should be shaken and pushed into new and old forms and sprawling, splattering paint and ideas. I need to keep going back for the explorative thread I've dropped. To pick it up and remember how much I love the frayed edge more than anything.

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