Felt Tips & Diagrams

I have a collection of felt tips that I'm focusing on using right now and in combination with my school exercise books it feels like doing school projects and title pages and it reminds me of all the things I enjoyed about school work - all the little bits of creativity that crept in through every teaching style.

No matter how dull the subject or lesson I always doodled things all over my front and back covers and in the margins (to the exasperation of some of my teachers). I was really messy in my books because I liked decorating them as much as I could, inside and out. It was usually easier for me to be enthusiastic about something I could decorate. I liked drawing diagrams for this reason.

Maybe I should try drawing some fake scientific diagrams in my journal.


  1. You're helping me with this 'happy' drawings to get over my lovesickness for my brazilian crush. Thank you! Have a nice weekend!

    1. Awww, good to hear it! You'll be just fine :-)


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.