How To Make A Mini Memento Book

I like to always carry something comforting with me, whether it's a photo or a toy, or maybe a piece of jewellery. I thought it would be a nice idea to make a tiny little book full of pictures as a kind of natural progression from my 'scrapbook of treasures'. It's a similar concept, but more portable and streamlined. A nice little photo album that I can keep with me in my card wallet.

I made two rough collages and printed them on both sides of a piece of paper so that when I cut out the mini pages they'd roughly match up with one image on each side. I focused on one particular, er, 'interest' here but of course you could make mood boards and print them out, or collages of anything you like!

I cut out my pictures so they were all roughly the same size, then I folded the resulting wad of pictures in half and sewed along the fold. You can use a couple of staples for an easier time, but I wanted to practice my thread binding. After your mini book is bound you can cut the edges to make all your pages the same size and to neaten them up. Bear in mind that the more pages you have, the more difficult it will be to cut them all to size at the end. Mine has an unfolded thickness of eight pages, which cuts okay, but I wouldn't recommend going any higher.

And now I have the cutest, tiniest little memento book!

I kept my cover plain (I didn't actually intend to, it's just that one of my photos didn't have anything on the other side), but you could always designate a particular image for your cover or just decorate it like I'm doing with mine.


  1. This Mini Memento Book looks so cute with its little stars and wil be a nice present to a dear friend. At the moment I'm drying some flowers to make a postcard for my mother. So I'm also a little bit in a creative mood. Thanks for the inspiration!


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