Profile Picture

I have been thinking about my profile picture. I've been using the same one for a long time now and thought maybe I could do some exciting digital editing to make it a cool and fresh new image without bothering to take a new photo. A good idea. Put some cool flowers in it. Put the sky in it. Glorious, I thought. Wonderful.

Am I too childish? Are these colours representative of my inner being? Is this an expression that is recognisably mine? Perhaps I am relying too much on Totoro, my assistant, but then he is a never-changing constant, unlike me. He is an emblem who will be with us until we are no longer here.

Here are some new pictures I took, all rejected to continue on my journey with Totoro in hand.

I want to take school pictures again, with those backdrops all grey marble and sky, where they tell you to sit this way, look that way, smile, and you end up with the most perfect, gormless picture of yourself.

Anyway, I'm not changing my profile picture (ever again) (until actually, I feel like it). Business associates, know me by my Moomin jumper.

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