5 Games I've Been Playing Recently

I've been playing a whole bunch of fun Steam games recently, so I thought I'd share a few thoughts on some of my favourites. It must be evident how much I love pixel art, since all of these games incorporate it in various interesting styles, however the gameplay styles vary plenty. Let's delve into some video games!

1. Bloody Walls

This game is a short free-to-play zombie shooter that has you clearing out enemies through several storeys of a building. It's cool, a little spooky, and really neatly done. It's challenging to complete, but doable (I've even written a guide on how to easily complete it, which you can find here).

2. Stardew Valley

You may already know about my love for this game, so I had to include it here. It's engaging yet relaxing. You get to live out your days building up your farm and your life and your relationships with the locals. There's lots of things to do, the music is great, and the game has its own subtle humour. I love turning my fruit harvest into jam.

3. Trick & Treat

This is another free-to-play game with a cute and spooky Halloween theme. It was released last month, and follows two girls who go trick or treating at a strange house. It's a kind of 'choose your own adventure' RPG combination, and it has some good puzzles and a fun story. Again, I really like the pixel art here and it's quite a breath of fresh air for an RPG maker game.


LOVE is a very simple platformer in which you must navigate levels without being killed by obstacles or falling to your death. The fun part is that you get to reposition your spawn point with a button press. This mechanic makes the game pretty hard to put down. The music is a big strong point in this one.

5. Timberman

This is a very simple game that was originally a mobile game, but it's another one that's hard to put down. You just chop as many logs as possible. That's it. That's the game. It's fun.

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