Art Style Progress Comparison: 2009-2016

Oh boy! Okay! I've been drawing things for a long time, and I've only really developed a consistent style within the last four or five years. Even after the three years of post-high-school art education I had at that point in time, I just didn't have a clear 'look' in the way I do now. I still like to experiment and do some abstract things, some collage, etc, so of course there is some variation, but I feel like the bulk of my work is now recognisably mine. So let's take a look at my artwork through the ages.

One thing that's particularly interesting is how cats have changed over the years. All creature and human forms have gradually shifted towards more proportional and rounded styles. Now I understand why the earliest drawings of The Simpsons were much more spiky. It takes a lot of practice for curves to feel super easy and smooth in the exact way you need them to.

Also interesting is that it's only really in 2016 that I started using simple dots for eyes all the time (for humans). That one detail has changed the feeling of my drawings so much, and bizarrely, I think it makes them more expressive. Sometimes you can say more with a dot that you can with a more complex structure.

I'm looking forward to seeing how my dots (and other things) develop in the years to come.


  1. this is really cool, to see how you're work has developed and how you got you're own style. I love it when people, not to be cheesy, show their journey. "How the sausage gets made". It's inspiring!

  2. wow, I love this a lot - you can definitely see how your drawing style has changed, yet they still maintain a 'you' in it. The 'dots for eyes' thing and how they're more expressive is weirdly profound and beautiful. Love your drawings, excited to see how they develop in the future - especially from a perspective of someone who was introduced to your work quite recently! <3

    1. Ahh thank you so much Zoe! Yeah it's funny about the dots. It's magic.


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.