12 Things

Here's a list of things I love right now, just because. Just because it's nice to notice all the things that you love. Okay, here's the list.

  1. small bottles of wine (they are the perfect size for me but also activate the "aww it small" part of my brain gives me nice happy feelings when I see small things)
  2. the Soccer Mommy lyric, "it's spreading through the streets and burning on telephone wires"
  3. confetti machines (I've been to only two shows where they used a confetti machine - OK Go and Fickle Friends)
  4. the texture of pencil lines
  5. actually just the entire Soccer Mommy album "For Young Hearts" (it's so gentle and real and nice, also there is whistling)
  6. seeing the moon for the 999999999th time and saying, just like every time, "wow every time I see the moon I'm really excited to see the moon"
  7. Danny Devito
  8. watching a whole season (of the year or of a TV show, both good)
  9. crunchy autumn leaves!!!!! heh heh heh get crunched
  10. emptying the recycle bin (it feels good, it feels right)
  11. taking pictures of the sky (it's sort of fruitless, but also special, to collect your own strange and grainy photos of the sky that don't really capture how perfect it is at that moment, but that do capture that you thought that and wanted to capture it, which is it's own kind of beauty)
  12. Kristen Bell, who is perfect
Okay, that's all for now.

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