Announcement: I Got a BIG FREDDO

I'm pleased to announce that purpose in life has been fulfilled, as I now how this medium sized Freddo. My only goal now is to achieve a bigger Freddo. A large Freddo. Hopefully Cadbury (apparently they're Cadbury now, not Cadbury's, so that's weird) will soon make a shockingly big Freddo to appease me.

Please survey these grainy images and join with me in reverent celebration of the sweet frog. He is wearing a Christmas hat in October, which I would usually judge and deride him for, but since it's Freddo I think we can allow this indiscriminate Christmas-summoning behaviour. Actually, I'm tempted to remove the hat since it's only mildly sewn on, but I don't want to be rude. I mean, if Freddo wants to pay tribute to Santa at all times of the year then who am I to come between him and his passions?

Regardless, he's cute and I love him. Even if his legs aren't stuffed very generously. It's fine.

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