Diary: Movies & Woods

I guess I've been doing some fun stuff as usual. Watching another movie as part of "mothcub film club" with some people online - and the movie was painful but it was fun to watch it with my little group. It's really nice to have a little online club where we can congregate and watch stuff together and joke around. I wish I could do it in person, invite people round for a little screening. Some hot beverages, some good cushions, a projector on a huge white wall. I'd really like to do that some day. When I can get an appropriate wall.

I also went to see The Grinch, and that was fun. It's a cute little film. I didn't realise that I've been watching a few movies lately, but I did also finally see Coco, and I can't believe how good it is! It's been so nice to just sit down and watch a movie and focus on it lately. I feel like so many things are happening all the time, and maybe... they're not, but it's been so so good to watch a movie, those times when I watched a movie. More movies.

I have been going on the long walk to the woods fairly often recently too, always to film something (especially since it's so dark so much of the time now that it's harder to get that daylight sunlight in order to film indoors). It's tiring and cold and muddy, but I love it there so much.

I also really want to get into reading more, since I've been in a phase of not reading much for a while and it'd be nice to get back to that calm and exciting little secret place. Feels right.

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