Diary: Soup & New Boots

I've got a tiny and beautiful new diary from Paperchase, and I love it. I've taken a long break from daily diary writing as sometimes it gets to be a bit boring and feel like a chore. It's good to take a break, or change what you're doing enough to make it fun again - I've come back with this new diary and I'm enjoying using this one because instead of the previous one-page-a-day diaries I've used, this one has two days to a page, and combined with a nice compact size, it just feels refreshing to write a concise little bit about my day.

It's almost more honest, because I'm forced to use only a few sentences. It's essentially a handwritten Twitter, I suppose. I've taken to putting some stickers in for extra visual flair. Good things that happened recently that I clearly needed to record include: getting some new boots, consuming soup, doing some doodles, and watching a bunch of YouTube videos.

I've been reminiscing a bit, getting back into old bands and old habits, feeling more and more invigorated and excited to create things, and enjoying some good old heavy rain falling onto my window in the night. What a relaxing sound that is (despite being pretty loud). It all feels nice.


  1. I love the style of this post so much, it's relaxing and dreamy and kind of reminds me of how i like to write as well. Love that you put your diary out to the world, so cute!

    1. Thanks so much! It feels kinda serene and nice to post my diary too.


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.