I'm still really enjoying using this red for some reason. I've been sucked in by red and I'm probably going to keep painting in this colour for a while. It's nice to settle into something like this, I guess. Just painting red things for ages. Experimentation is fun, but there's a nice serenity to doing the same thing for an extended period. You get to focus on something and explore the ins and outs of how you do that specific thing. And it can be relaxing, which is nice too.

It was kinda late at night when I painted these, so there's a little extra sleepiness mixed in. That's my natural state though, a bit sleepy.

Maybe I should try doing some more lettering in paint, because I love to paint some big, wobbly words. When you're using words all the time, it's really easy to forget how pictographic they are, how they're drawings too, and I really like how typographic illustration can bring back that sense of words as artistic shapes. It's so interesting. But, y'know, I also just love to write a word in a really wobbly way. There's something satisfying about it. Turning letters into noodles.

One thing that I love about lots of animals is how demanding and grumpy they can appear, and it's kinda funny how much this entertains me. I guess it's such a constant theme for me because it's cute and silly, but it's also pretty relatable. I, too, enjoy eating and sometimes act grumpy. That didn't really need to be explained, but I just love how we forge connections with animals that communicate so differently from us and see ourselves in them. I want to hug all of them please.

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