Cats & Sunshine

If you're a blogger you gotta always think of topics and things to talk about so you can spend the whole day making a pleasing clacking sound on your keyboard as you write, but sometime you have to just post some miscellaneous photos you took in a half-daze on a sunny day when you saw a cat. So that's what I'm doing today.

Look at this cat. Look at him. He napped here for so long. God, I wish that were me.

Here he is again, doing a cheeky wink. Right back at you, sir. If a cat winks at you, it's good luck forever. The rest of your life you have the 'cat wink' status affect.

And here are some flowers. Next to a brick. Their natural habitat. Beautiful.

Here is another cat, also. I disturbed him while he was licking himself. I'm so sorry.

Life is very good, imo.


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.