Stars ☆*+•*

I made some tiny stars to sit with me for these scans. I love stars a lot as a symbol. A simplification of the vastness of the cosmos and everything. Far away light travelling far across the galaxy to get here, so we can see it as a pinprick. A small candle in the sky, in the darkness. And we turn it into this five-pointed shape, poking out in every direction. A representation of a far reach that astonishes us. It's pretty cool.

I always laugh at myself a little bit when I cut stars out of paper with no planning, because they always come out more wonky that if I'd drawn them beforehand, but really I guess it's a good representation of a star in some ways to be be wonky. As if it's light shifting on its way here, moving around as you look at it.

If a star visits, you gotta say hi and make it a nice bowl of soup. That's what stars are after, right?


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.