Schedules & Spider Bombs

Welcome to my bedroom, where paintings are drying on every surface and a small bean bag dog surveys my antics. As I write this I am listening to revered artist of the late 1990s, Billie Piper. Her song about asking a guy if he has a girlfriend and also telling him he looks cool is a transcendent exploration of the human psyche.

I've been doing some big paintings, and I recently started a new playthrough of Final Fantasy IX, so everything is going very nicely and I feel quite relaxed (it's the soothing sound of Billie Piper songs that really does it though). It also may be an omen worth mentioning, the fact that earlier on today I got a Girls Aloud song spontaneously stuck in my head, despite not hearing it for a very long time. What can it mean? A premonition of some kind?

Anyway, I guess I'm really enjoying my creative schedule at the moment, so I'm going to talk about that a little bit. I've started writing a to-do list when I get up in the morning, because it seems to help me feel more aware of what I'm doing. I usually keep lists like that on a sticky note anyway, but it's not really been a habit before for me to write/update a list in the morning for the day. I think it's really useful though, so I'm probably going to keep doing it for a while. It just helps to push me towards bigger projects or things with a higher priority.

I've been using the inside of a small notebook as a paint palette for a little while, and it's nice to use the same thing as a paint palette repeatedly and get to see the paint building up more and more. For the past while I've used scrap paper for my palettes, so I've missed that a bit.

When I'm done with something I'm doing, especially with something involving painting, I really like to do some aimless painting to round it off. It's a sort of meditative thing to close with, and it ends up giving me some nice extra paintings to work with a lot of the time as well. I like to make the effort to tidy my space up after painting too, because it always feels nicer to lay everything out again anyway, so I think it helps me to feel fresh each time I paint. Assuming there aren't paintings on every surface that still need to dry, because that happens fairly often.

In closing, here's a spider holding a bomb that I drew for no reason at all, as far as I know:


Thank you so much for your comments, especially if they include limericks about skeletons.