Sleepiness & Cheesecake

I'm writing this at 23:04. A time when I am feeling the power of sleepiness pressing on top of my head like a big, insistent, fluffy pillow. The exact moment it hits 23:00 I know I should be asleep. My body is a strict clock and its warning shall not be heeded. But of course, I know that this is also the perfect time for me to write a blog post. Life is a constant battle between your body and your desire to listen to one more funky John Mayer song, in my experience. And John Mayer will always win.

I think, actually, I have hit on the perfect writing advice, which is to always write in a slightly altered state of consciousness. Those spaces where your brain whirrs differently, somehow, when you're up too late or too early. When you're in a different place. When you've had a glass of wine. Or, of course, when you've just listened to almost all of John Mayer's 'The Search for Everything' album.

I feel like a part of me is always a bit sleepy, and maybe that's the best part. I remember growing up, that often going to bed was my favourite thing to do. It was the time of pure relaxation. I would imagine an elaborate fantasy about riding a horse to heaven or something (I like to fantasise about medieval settings, and also being on top of a cartoonishly fluffy cloud, please don't judge me). They were the most beautiful and pure moments of life, lying in bed, slowly drifting off, thinking about having very long hair and a crown.

So I think in some way that imagination and creativity are tied to that. Sleepiness and drowsy contentment. I know that I feel like I can be a lot more creative and wild and free with creativity when I'm content, and/or relaxed. I think I make my best stuff when I can just float into it. Just ease into it like I'm gently pressing a knife into a cheesecake. I'm sorry, I had to get a cheesecake analogy in there somewhere. Please forgive me.

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